Friday, 28 May 2010

lucas 19/100

lucas 19/100, originally uploaded by Slightly Esoterik.

I crossed paths with Lucas while on a wander through my London neighborhood. He and another guy stopped and handed me promo cards for a local club. They were friendly gents and I've been needing to get my 100 Strangers Project going again, so I asked if Lucas would pose for me. He gladly stepped up for the photo. As he had a job to get on with, I didn't engage in my usual chat session but let him get on with his promotion gig. I"m sure I'll probably see him around the 'ditch again soon.

Cheers Lucas, thanks for being part of my project.

his picture is #19 in my 100 Strangers Project, to see more of my project, please click here: Slightly Esoterik's 100 Strangers

To find out more about the 100 Strangers project and see pictures taken by other photographers click here:

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