Tuesday, 6 April 2010

100 Strangers Project 15/100

This is Dave and Jake. They stopped me for directions while I was out picking up a late night kebab in my neighborhood. They were in London to watch their friend's band play a gig and were sampling some of London's prime nightlife. I recommended a bar up the street and accepted an invitation to join them for a pint. They were surprised that an American was a Shoreditch "local" and were curious to know if my hometown of Baltimore was anything like what is shown on the Wire. Jake laughed and said it could be worse, that he's from Nottingham and as a result he is forever fielding questions about bloody Robin Hood. They were curious about my camera and I let them take a few snaps. I told them about my 100 Strangers Project and promised to let them participate. The pints went down quickly and they were itching to hop around to some other clubs, so I walked them down to the latest hip spot and took my leave. But before shuffling off home to devour my long overdue kabab, I took the above shot of the two of them mugging for the camera. Hope the rest of their night was a blast; given their gregarious natures and senses of humor, I am sure it was. Cheers guys... thanks again for the pint!

This picture is #15 in my 100 Strangers Project, to see more of this project, please click here: Slightly Esoterik's 100 Strangers

To find out more about the 100 Strangers project and see pictures taken by other photographers click here: www.100Strangers.com

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