Saturday, 24 April 2010

Katharine 16/100

Katharine 16/100, originally uploaded by Slightly Esoterik.

This is Katharine. She approached me as I was awkwardly fiddling with my vintage twin lens reflex camera in Piccadilly Circus. The camera was so odd to her that she just had to find out how it worked and why it was so strange in appearance. With her friendly and curious manner, I couldn't resist gushing about my new toy and the merits and challenges of film shooting.

We chatted for a while about my eccentric camera, my various photo projects and also about our respective home countries (she is originally from Canada, but has been living in London for close to twenty years). She teaches French at a school in southwest London, though she also has a hand in administration (her official title is Assistant Principal). At first when I mentioned taking her picture she was a bit shy, but after further explaining the 100 Strangers Project she was game. This is my first attempt at shooting a stranger with film. I really did miss the ability to instantaneously check my results as I do with my DSLR, especially since I am still acquainting myself with the Yashica and its manual only settings. I am pleased with the result, but I think that has more to do with Katharine's friendly smile than my novice grasp of the camera and film. Thanks Katharine, it was a pleasure meeting you!

Film: Fuji Velvia 100

This picture is #16 in my 100 Strangers Project, to see more of this project, please click here: Slightly Esoterik's 100 Strangers

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